Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hope for Palestine? Not so much...

Lets see...

On the one hand I'm relieved to see that the scum of the Israeli swamp is finally rising to the surface. As we can finally see, the current Israeli government (like all previous Israeli governments) is not interested in a two state solution, a one state solution, or any solution for that matter.. Unless they could have their way which would be to some how get away with the theft of every inch of Palestinian land while somehow all these remaining indigenous inhabitants could conveniently evaporate into thin air. That's not gonna happen. So the "peaceful solution" that they supposedly strive for is no where in sight... as is usually the case. The only difference is, the whole world can see it now. Unfortunately, even though this fascist government has been painfully honest about their utter contempt for a just compromise with the Palestinians, our oh-so-revolutionary president Obama (who has all the power to affect this situation for the better) has not said a damn word. Yup, things are definately looking up...



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